Steam statistics prove Windows users can’t fight the future

Steam statistics prove Windows users can’t fight the future

Unfortunately for Microsoft, Windows 11 hasn’t proven to be the most popular version of Windows to date. However, the latest Steam Hardware & Software Survey results for August 2024 show that, despite a heavy consensus among many online communities that Windows 10 is the better operating system, Windows 11 is now in pole position as the gaming platform’s most used operating system.

According to the survey, 50.81% of Steam users surveyed run Windows 11, with Windows 10 users falling ~3.29% to just 48.66% of users. This is a sharp reversal from the start of the year, with the platform’s Hardware & Software Survey for January seeing Windows 10 claim ownership of 51.42% of Steam users, while Windows 10 managed 44.24%.

Windows 11: Closing the gap
